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Shop By Style: A Guide to Selling Bespoke Luxury

Shop By Style: A Guide to Selling Bespoke Luxury

By Re-Imagine Content MarketingJun 05, 2024

Crafting extraordinary interiors for your clients is your passion, but convincing them of the benefits of bespoke luxury is your predicament. 

In a world filled with mass-produced items and standardized designs, the allure of bespoke luxury products offers a unique selling point that can transform spaces into personal havens. 

Here’s a guide to help you communicate the unparalleled value of bespoke luxury to your clients (with stunning visual examples from Calico’s incredible bespoke range). Follow these steps, and ensure your clients see the worth in every custom piece you suggest.


1. Understand their vision

The first step in selling bespoke luxury is to deeply understand your client's vision. 

Engage in comprehensive consultations to grasp their style preferences, lifestyle needs, and the ambiance they wish to create. 

We’ve found that clients often struggle to articulate their desires, so your expertise in interpreting their ideas into tangible designs is an absolute must.

Use visual aids like mood boards, sketches, and samples to bridge the gap between their abstract ideas and concrete solutions.

2. Highlight the exclusivity

One of the most compelling selling points of bespoke luxury is exclusivity. 

Emphasize that bespoke items are one-of-a-kind, crafted specifically for them and not available to anyone else. 

This level of personalization ensures that their space is uniquely theirs, reflecting their individuality and taste. 


Share stories of how bespoke pieces are crafted, perhaps involving artisans who pour their skill and passion into each creation, making each item a masterpiece in its own right.


3. Focus on quality and craftsmanship

Bespoke luxury products are synonymous with superior quality and craftsmanship. You know that, but your client doesn’t!

Educate them about the materials used, the intricate processes involved, and the expertise required to create these custom pieces.

Night Ecru

 Highlighting the durability and timeless appeal of bespoke items can reassure clients that they are making a worthy investment. When clients understand the painstaking effort and attention to detail that goes into each piece, they are more likely to appreciate its value.


4. Showcase Versatility and Customization

Clients often appreciate the flexibility that bespoke products offer. 

 Aurora Anew

Unlike mass-produced items, bespoke pieces are tailored to fit specific dimensions, color schemes, and functional requirements. Showcase how bespoke furnishings, wallcovers lighting and décor can seamlessly integrate into their existing spaces or elevate a new design concept.

5. Create emotional connections

Bespoke items often come with a story, whether it’s the origin of the materials, the artisan’s journey, or the inspiration behind the design. 

Share these narratives with your clients to create an emotional connection. When clients feel a personal attachment to the pieces, they are more likely to see them as invaluable additions to their homes. 

The emotional resonance of bespoke items can transform them from mere products into cherished heirlooms.


6. Present real-life testimonials

Nothing is more convincing than the satisfaction of previous clients. 

Showcase testimonials and case studies from clients who have embraced bespoke luxury in their homes.

Aurora Orchid 

Real-life success stories can help potential clients visualize the transformative impact of bespoke items. Include high-quality photographs and detailed descriptions of how these products enhanced the aesthetic and functionality of their spaces.

We hope you found this guide helpful! Did you know you can filter by style on our website? Explore Calico’s stunning bespoke products below.


Shop By Style: Calico selection