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5 Wood Wallpaper Designs to Consider When Renovating

5 Wood Wallpaper Designs to Consider When Renovating

By Molly SishtonJan 18, 2022
At NewWall, we are advocates for the potential wooden wallpaper designs have to create a visual representation of natural material. There are many options, each creating its own interpretation of texture, style and structure. Using this medium to apply your design ideas offers limitless possibilities. With the sophistication and coziness that wood can bring to interiors, wallpaper is a cost effective and environmental alternative to the real thing.

Carrying out a renovation project on your living space is an exciting and stimulating journey. Having a clear vision and being able to inflict that on your setting through the use of material, texture and color is an art.

Here are 5 wood wallpaper designs to help inspire and guide you during renovation.

1. You can’t can because you’re renting.

You’re renting a beautiful space in a built up area, but you’re missing the freedom and verdure of rural settings. Converting your surfaces from brick to wood might be comforting, but it’s unlikely to be allowed, or affordable. A true alternative is available from Coordonné, a family run business based in Barcelona specializing in high quality wall coverings.

Wooden Wall delivers a luxurious plank effect to your surfaces, injecting freshness and at the same time, a reassuring calmness. Through its authentic effect and subtle hues, Wooden Wall is both understated and striking.

Working within limitations doesn’t mean compromising on outcomes. Bring to life a traditional concept using this modern wallpaper, meeting the demands of the lease and also your unbending drive for perfection and indulgence.

2. When fulfilling your order becomes unfulfilling, do it yourself.

During the pandemic with operations being stop-start, waiting lists and cancelled orders are by the plenty. This can be very frustrating and sometimes leads to the use of imperfect materials in order to finish a renovation.

A renovation is full of potential pitfalls, some of which are outside of your control. When you demand high quality, you’re often dealing with bespoke orders and small businesses that can meet your needs.

There is a solution. Newmor, a UK based specialist provider of wallcoverings, offers Arbour.

Arbour, a stylized rough wood effect wallpaper, is available in nine colours and this exceptional range gives an elegant and refreshing finish to any wall.

Embrace this product to combine superior quality and the craftsmanship of a one off commission, with the delivery options associated with a large retailer.

3. Elevate your woodwork.

When carrying out a renovation a great place to start is to uplift the existing woodwork within your interior. In this situation, a chevron pattern is the luxe option to enrich your existing habitat. A chevron print may seem similar to other panelling effects, but the tessellated V shapes, coming together at a razor sharp point, produce a crisp and seamless statement. Chevrons have been synonymous with luxury for hundreds of years and come in different guises, such as herringbone. Interpretations of chevrons can be found in mediums such as stone, fabric, pottery and wood.

Floor Grey by Wall&decó

Floor, a Wall&decò creation, brings a confident and dramatic chevron pattern into your home, exaggerating character with its symmetry and illusion of texture.

4. Create an illusion with Trompe L’oeil.

Trompe L’oeil means “to deceive the eye” and refers to a unique way to transform walls and create space. It’s a collection of realistic wall murals, created by artists and designers driven by invention and a passion for detail. If you’re renovating and want to create a feature or centre peace, look no further than Trompe L’oeil.

Creating an illusion of three-dimensions and texture, Boiserie by Coordonné is a nuanced wooden panel wall covering. Available in 5 colors, from Aloe to Rose, the elegant architectural details captured by the artist complete a sophisticated look for any wall. At the same time both modern and rustic, this collection exudes a classic and elegant tone.

5. Renovating the renovation.

Renovating may be part of your DNA. Perhaps you own a business or run pop-up stores that regularly have to re-invent their look in order to stay current and on trend? To continually differentiate yourself while staying true to your identity isn’t easy.

Ribbons by Coordonné is a way to add a bohemian touch to your interior. A stunning design of rustic horizontal planks, with the effect of a distressed, treated wood, available in three shades. This wall covering brings a unique architectural element to your space, emphasising width and accenting your furniture choices.

Wood wallpaper for any project

Wood wallpaper is a modern and exciting way to create the illusion of space, bring a traditional feel to your home or have a stunning showpiece that captures the eye. With the collections above available in a wide range of colors and tones, there are endless possibilities to inspire your renovation. Use our new shop by style feature ‘renovating’ to find motivation and capture the look that will define your interior for years to come.


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